tirsdag 25. september 2012

Små Spor for Kids

Creating an educational plan for Små Spor

 The Små Spor exhibition was shown today at the Institute for Children Education in Tromsø. Together with Kari Doseth Opstad (Senior Lecturer in arts and crafts) and her students, we will create an educational plan for Små Spor. The goal is to use the exhibition as a tool to awaken children´s curiosity on architecture. This is part of a larger project about making architects (and designers) more known in our region.

(foto: Kari D. Opstad, Michele Widerøe)

The students are beginning to test some of their ideas:

(foto:Michele Widerøe)
This time they invited a group of children from Bjerkaker school to test one of their concepts.
The idea was to show to the kids the video Små Spor and talk to them about  architecture. Then the children could choose a project from Små Spor and try to make a modell out of it. I was very happy to see how interested and dedicated both the students and the children were. I can´t wait to see the other projects!


Las week I was invited to observe the presentation of exams the students gave on “Små Spor”. There were 3 groups in all. Each group presented a suggestion on how they think Små Spor can be used to teach children and youngster about architecture.
I was happy to see how they  use their creativity to teach architecture in a practical and fun way.
Små Spor is all about presenting local projects to local people. It is important that children learn how to look for architectural qualities in their own communities and not only in the big cities.
By learning  more about good architecture projects in their communities children will appreciate it better and hopefully they will take better care of it.

(foto: Kari Doseth)

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